Image of a Teh

A method of unifying without difference, imbalance and discrimination

We ask no more than your willingness to elaborate this information as addition to your conviction of life. See to it that your reflection brings a comprehension, born out of your own independent thinking.

In order to be able to make a significant change in our economical system we need a number of things:

  1. A consensus that it is achievable
  2. An orientation on individuals that made a start in efforts to develop models of change
  3. A coordination in the production of additions to the evolving system
  4. A choice to persist with laughter, gratitude and joy

This website merely shows and reports about the model developed for the Iatai [a group of people].

Udai Wa-Re logo, button link
Introduction Writings Editions Economy TRUST Software Original Index Page
There are videos and livestreams about the project by Frank, and
you can also direct questions about the project to

The original author of this site has passed. This aggregation page was set up in loving memory of Henk Luth.

Image of Henk with Three Apos Button link to