Due to unauthorized handling, abuses in regard of intellectual property claim and damage bestowed on the ones which purchased the gps3exclusivity rights to the in "UDAI" provided artifacts  , the content of this site is as of 8.305.16 confidential.

Essential info, needed  to sustain participants in SEIP, The G.W.A, "The Sisters of the spoken Word" and _as token of respect and gratitude_ to the [remaining] seniors [read: elder/veterans] of "UDAI", an extract of the site is in redacted print and download available.

Listed as donor of Udai-Wa-Ré,  you can opt to receive notifications of upgrades of the Fu-e & T-ura sheets [as well as developments regarding Ga-Mé]
Please file the NDA [
link] as attachment to gerritdlu@gmail.com. (mail sent to info4udai@gmail.com is _within this context_ automatically redirected).

Thank you for your visit.                                                          Bekomi-Dan.

"The Wa-Ré project"; it started on 090909 and came to an end on
Myoda (008).209.31
As written "UDAI" started on Yaida (001).101.17 and came to an end on 101010 [GD].

SEIP started Amida-8.305.15  ? Ada-i ne ka-i ?









